Re­turn re­quest form

Dear Cus­tom­er, To re­quest a re­turn, you can use the form be­low. A con­firm­a­tion e-mail con­tain­ing a copy of your com­pleted form will be sent to the ad­dress you have in­dic­ated upon re­ceipt of your re­quest. The lat­ter will then be pro­cessed with­in 48 hours (work­ing days).

  • Seri­al num­ber
  • Reas­on for re­turn
  • Quant­ity
  • De­scrip­tion of the de­fect or re­mark
  • Fields marked with * are re­quired. The above in­form­a­tion is only trans­mit­ted to GMG Sup­ply SA and is con­fid­en­tial.