Pri­vacy Policy and Cook­ies

GMG Sup­ply SA is com­mit­ted to safe­guard­ing the pri­vacy of vis­it­ors and cus­tom­ers of the web­site. All per­son­al data col­lec­ted, pro­cessed and used will be pro­cessed ac­cord­ing to cur­rent le­gis­la­tion and the data pro­tec­tion reg­u­la­tion (GDPR). This policy ex­plains how your per­son­al data will be pro­cessed. It ap­plies to your use of:

  • our web­site -
  • all ser­vices ac­cess­ible through the web­site
  • our pages on so­cial me­dia

The data con­trol­ler is GMG Sup­ply SA, re­gistered of­fice:  En Cour­ta-Rama 10, 1163 Etoy. The per­son re­spons­ible for data pro­tec­tion is : Car­mine De Si­mone,

What per­son­al data do we col­lect?


  • a. Any data (such as name, ad­dress, e-mail, etc.) that you vol­un­tar­ily provide through our on­line forms;
  • b.  In­form­a­tion provided vol­un­tar­ily by tele­phone, e-mail or post;
  • c. We may also col­lect data vol­un­tar­ily provided through com­mu­nic­a­tions and mes­sages pub­lished on our so­cial me­dia pages. However, we strongly re­com­mend that sens­it­ive data is not provided via so­cial me­dia chan­nels;
  • d. Data is also col­lec­ted auto­mat­ic­ally when you vis­it our web­site. This may in­clude de­tails on us­age, IP ad­dress, loc­a­tion data, browser type and ver­sion, in­form­a­tion col­lec­ted through cook­ies and oth­er track­ing tech­no­lo­gies (which may not be in­form­a­tion that spe­cif­ic­ally iden­ti­fies the user).


Cook­ies are pieces of in­form­a­tion that are trans­ferred from our web serv­er or third party web serv­er to the web browser and stored for later re­triev­al. By us­ing our web­site and ac­cept­ing this policy, you con­sent to the use of cook­ies in ac­cord­ance with the terms of this policy. If you do not want these cook­ies to be saved on your com­puter, you can change your pref­er­en­ces in your browser set­tings. However, re­fus­ing cook­ies may lim­it the func­tion­al­ity of this web­site.

How do we use your per­son­al data?

We may use the per­son­al data we have col­lec­ted for the fol­low­ing le­git­im­ate pur­poses:

  • a. to provide you with all the in­form­a­tion and ser­vices you spe­cif­ic­ally re­ques­ted;
  • b. to in­form you of new ser­vices or ser­vices sim­il­ar to those already pur­chased, where you have ex­pressly agreed to re­ceive this in­form­a­tion;
  • c. to im­prove our web­site and en­sure that the con­tent is presen­ted ef­fect­ively and ap­pro­pri­ately;
  • d. ad­min­is­ter our web­site and per­form data ana­lys­is and re­search;
  • e. to deal with any re­quests or com­plaints;
  • f. per­form ac­count­ing, con­trol and in­tern­al busi­ness man­age­ment pro­ced­ures. We will use your per­son­al data only for the spe­ci­fied pur­poses to which you have con­sen­ted. Your data will nev­er be used for mail­ing or dir­ect mar­ket­ing, un­less the user has ex­pressly agreed.

Google stat­ist­ics

We can use Google Ana­lyt­ics to ana­lyze the gen­er­al use of this web­site. Google Ana­lyt­ics gen­er­ates stat­ist­ics and oth­er in­form­a­tion on the use of the web­site through cook­ies, which are stored on users' com­puters. The in­form­a­tion gen­er­ated re­lat­ing to our web­site is used by Google to cre­ate re­ports re­lat­ing to the act­iv­ity of the web­site. Google will store this in­form­a­tion. The Google pri­vacy policy is avail­able at: ht­tps://­vacy/

Keep your per­son­al data safe

We make every ef­fort to en­sure that your per­son­al data is se­curely stored to com­ply with data pro­tec­tion laws. We also take all reas­on­able tech­nic­al and or­gan­iz­a­tion­al pre­cau­tions to pre­vent the loss, mis­use or un­au­thor­ized al­ter­a­tion of your per­son­al data. However, re­mem­ber that no data trans­mis­sion on the In­ter­net is 100% guar­an­teed.

Dis­clos­ure and shar­ing of per­son­al data with third parties

Your per­son­al data may be shared with some of the fol­low­ing third parties, but only as deemed strictly ne­ces­sary:

  • a. ana­lyt­ic­al pro­viders and search en­gines for the im­prove­ment of our web­site;
  • b. pro­fes­sion­al con­sult­ants such as ac­count­ants and law­yers;
  • c. po­lice and oth­er leg­al en­tit­ies;
  • d. reg­u­lat­ory or gov­ern­ment bod­ies to re­solve com­plaints and dis­putes, or to com­ply with any in­vest­ig­a­tions by such bod­ies.

All third parties will be re­quired to lim­it this use of per­son­al data for the spe­cif­ic pur­pose for which it was provided. Your per­son­al data will nev­er be shared with third parties for mar­ket­ing pur­poses, un­less the user has ex­pressly con­sen­ted.

In­ter­na­tion­al data trans­fers

The per­son­al data we col­lect from you can be trans­ferred and stored in places out­side the European Eco­nom­ic Area (EEA). It can also be pro­cessed by the staff or by one of our dis­trib­ut­ors in or­der, among oth­er things, to provide sup­port ser­vices. We will, however, take all ne­ces­sary meas­ures to en­sure that such data is pro­cessed se­curely and in ac­cord­ance with this policy, par­tic­u­larly in coun­tries where data pro­tec­tion laws may dif­fer from those in the EEA.

Web sites and third-party con­tent

Our web­site con­tains links to oth­er web­sites and so­cial me­dia plat­forms. We are not re­spons­ible for the pri­vacy policies or data pro­tec­tion prac­tices of these third parties.

Your rights: up­dat­ing, can­cel­la­tion and ac­cess to your per­son­al data

It is pos­sible at any time to ask us to up­date, cor­rect or de­lete the per­son­al data in our pos­ses­sion, provided that their can­cel­la­tion does not con­tra­vene the con­ser­va­tion ob­lig­a­tions provided by law. If any of your data can­not be de­leted be­cause it is re­ques­ted for com­mer­cial, fisc­al or leg­al reas­ons, your treat­ment will be lim­ited and not used for any oth­er pur­pose. You can also ask us to provide the per­son­al data in our pos­ses­sion, in­clud­ing both the ac­tu­al con­tent and the ref­er­en­ce to its ori­gin. (For se­cur­ity reas­ons, we will ask you to provide ap­pro­pri­ate evid­en­ce of the ap­plic­ant's iden­tity.) He also has the right to ob­ject to any fu­ture pro­cess­ing of his per­son­al data in ac­cord­ance with leg­al re­quire­ments. For ex­ample, it may be ob­jec­ted that your data is used for dir­ect mar­ket­ing pur­poses. Re­quests re­lat­ing to the above must be ad­dressed to the Data Con­trol­ler, either by email:, or in writ­ing. We aim to re­spond to these re­quests with­in 30 days.

Changes to the pri­vacy state­ment

We re­serve the right to up­date this pri­vacy state­ment in ac­cord­ance with any changed leg­al situ­ations, or if changes are made to our ser­vice and data pro­cess­ing pro­ced­ures. If user con­sent is re­quired, such changes will only take place with the user's ex­pli­cit con­sent. For all oth­er changes, we re­com­mend that you vis­it this page from time to time to make sure you are sat­is­fied with its con­tent.


If you have ques­tions about this pri­vacy state­ment or the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data, send an e-mail to or write to GMG Sup­ply SA, En Cour­ta-Rama 10, 1163 Etoy.